
Welcome to the official documentation website of the project Mi5. Throughout our team development, we created a lot of documents, videos and photos.

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This is the first prototype of Flow-wrapping model, our goal is package cookie burgers and the CAD model  is already done. The next step is implement a rolling and a printing system.

Mobile App

We are designing an app, it is in alpha state! it means that is defined the whole structure and all the functionalities however it isn't published yet.

                                  Methodology   &   Organization

Agile philosophy makes productive the project management.        


Discover how a group of students can organize a complex project.


“We are an interdisciplinary group, our passion is develop something great”

MI5 Spain

I am combining my bachelor thesis with the project MI5 and I am studying mechatronics engineering at the UVIC-UCC. 

Carles Sala
Mechanical designer

I’m doing my bachelor thesis about Agile Methods in Mechatronic development at UVIC-UCC.

Joan Mauri
Agile developer

I’m studying multimedia at the UVIC-UCC while I’m doing workshops. I’m responsible for the web design.

Laura Martínez
Multimedia developer

I’m studying an international bachelor between Brazil-Spain in Mechatronic Engineering.

Matheus Tomio
Mechanical & printing design

I did a bachelor in Industrial Electronic Engineering. Currently studying Mechatronic engineering at UVIC-UCC.

Guiu Riera
PLC Programming